University of Pittsburgh Drug-Free Schools Annual Notification

University of Pittsburgh Drug-Free Schools Annual Notification

履行为学生提供无毒环境的承诺, 教师, 和工作人员, the University of Pittsburgh prohibits the unlawful manufacture, 分布, 豁免, 占有, 或在大学财产上或作为任何大学活动的一部分使用受管制物质. 教师, 工作人员, and 学生 of the University must also comply with Commonwealth of Pennsylvania law on the 占有 and con­sumption of alcohol and other drugs. Any University employee paid from federally funded grants or contracts, 或任何参加联邦政府资助或担保的学生贷款计划的学生, must noti­fy the University of any criminal drug statute conviction for a violation occurring at the University or while engaged in University activities. 要求, the Vice Chancellor for Human 资源 must provide a copy of this notification to the Secretary of 教育 and members of the general public.

Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act of 1989

The Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act requires that, 作为在任何联邦计划下获得资金或任何其他形式的财政援助的条件, an institution of higher education, 国家教育机构, 或者当地的教育机构必须证明他们已经采取并实施了一项防止非法占有的计划, 使用, or distrib­ution of illicit drugs and alcohol by 学生 and employees. As set forth in the statute, the University of Pittsburgh’s program is required to provide at a minimum:

a.   年度分配, 以书面形式, 发给每位员工和学生(无论学生学习计划的长短), 包括:

i.    Standards of conduct that clearly prohibit, 迷你妈妈, 非法占有, 使用, 或学生和员工在其财产上或作为其任何活动的一部分分发非法毒品和酒精
ii.   A description of applicable legal sanctions under local, 状态, or federal law
3. 说明与使用非法药物和滥用酒精有关的健康风险
iv. A description of available drug or alcohol 咨询, 治疗, or 康复 or re-entry programs
v.   关于大学可能对学生和员工施加的纪律处分的明确声明

b.   每两年一次的大学项目评估,以确定项目的有效性, 实现所需的更改, and help ensure that disciplinary sanctions are consistently enforced.

Student Sanctions – 酒精 and Drugs

学生 charged under the Student 行为准则 (Code) for the 占有 and/or consumption of alcohol or drugs will face disciplinary sanctions 包括, 但不限于, 纪律惩戒, 教育项目, 社区服务, 住房缓刑, 留校察看, 和罚款. A notification will be sent to the parent(s) or legal guardian(s) of 学生 who are under the age of 21 that are found to be responsible for violating the University’s alcohol and/or drug policies.

使用酒精或毒品对自己或他人造成伤害或伤害威胁的学生, 或者是财产, 无论是在校内还是校外, may face disciplinary action by the University up to and 包括 dismissal. An accumulation of violations may lead to disciplinary suspension, 甚至解雇, 在适当的时候.

As members of the University community, 学生 are also subject to city ordinances and to 状态 and federal law. Arrest and prosecution for alleged violations of criminal law or city ordinances may result from an incident that may also violate the University’s 行为准则, 因此, 有时,学生必须通过刑事和大学程序来解决涉嫌违规行为.

Commonly Imposed Sanctions For 行为准则 酒精 or Drug Violations:


Typical Sanctions - 1st Offense


Possession and/or Consumption of 酒精 under the age of 21

Reprimand, Housing Probation if Hosting, 教育项目(s), 细

Possible Housing and/or Disciplinary Probation, 物质 Ab使用 Assessment, 社区服务, 教育项目(s), 细

Public Intoxication (Over 21)

Reprimand, 教育 Program(s), 社区服务

Disciplinary Probation, 社区服务

Possession and/or consumption of Marijuana and/or 占有 of paraphernalia

Housing and/or Disciplinary Probation, 教育项目(s), 细

Housing and/or Disciplinary Probation, 物质 Ab使用 Assessment, 社区服务, 教育项目(s), 细

拥有大量大麻或拥有和/或消费任何数量的非法药物(可卡因), 卡式肺囊虫肺炎, 等.)

Disciplinary Probation, 物质 Ab使用 Assessment, Potential Suspension


Supplying Marijuana or Another Controlled 物质 To Another Person

Disciplinary Probation, 物质 Ab使用 Assessment, 细, Potential Suspension



匹兹堡大学最关心的是学生的健康、安全和幸福. 传唤失败, or limiting the ability of someone else to summon, 紧急援助学生遇到紧急情况,由于酒精或药物使用, may result in University and/or criminal charges. All 学生 are expected to seek immediate assistance for themselves or others in situations where someone is experiencing an emergency due to alcohol or other drug 使用.

  1.  如果《凤凰彩票官网》规定的指控涉及 consumption or 占有 of alcohol or other drugs or knowingly present violations related to consumption or 占有 of alcohol or other drugs.
  2.  医疗大赦 eliminates responsibility for Code Violations outlined above for the caller and/or the individual experiencing the medical emergency.
  3.  医疗大赦减轻大学对要求紧急援助的注册学生组织的行为后果.

医疗大赦并不妨碍对其他违反《凤凰彩票平台APP下载》的行为采取纪律处分, 包括, 但不限于, unlawful 分布 of alcohol or other drugs, 骚扰, 被欺侮, possessing or using false identification, causing or threatening physical harm, 不正当的性行为, 或者财产损失.



  1. 联系适当的大学或应急官员,表明身份并报告事件.
  2. 留在需要帮助的人身边,直到紧急救援人员到达.
  3. Cooperate with University and emergency officials as requested.
  4. 在指定的时间内完成所有指定的项目或干预措施.
  5. Notify the Office of Student Conduct that all steps have been completed. 医疗大赦 may not apply until verification of completion has occurred.

为了使医疗大赦适用于经历医疗紧急情况的个人, this individual must complete the following steps:

  1. Cooperate with University and emergency officials as requested.
  2. 在指定的时间内完成所有指定的项目或干预措施.
  3. Notify the Office of Student Conduct that all steps have been completed. 医疗大赦 may not apply until verification of completion has occurred.

Even when 医疗大赦 applies, 大学及/或学生可能需要披露有关申请医疗特赦的资料, 包括 但不限于 study abroad programs, 潜在的雇主, professional governing bodies (ex. Bars or Medical Boards), or another University through an admissions process. While the main goal of 医疗大赦 is to encourage 学生 to make healthy decisions and to seek medical attention when they or one of their peers are in distress, 一再提出的医疗大赦请求将逐案处理.

大学的医疗特赦申请并不妨碍警方的刑事诉讼或第三方的民事诉讼. 宾夕法尼亚联邦毒品和酒精好撒玛利亚人和反应豁免法可能适用.


滥用酒精和其他物质是一个公共卫生问题,会造成严重的风险和后果,可能影响个人, 的关系, 雇主, 整个社会. 物质 mis使用 can affect anyone, 不论年龄大小, 比赛, 性别, 社会经济地位, 或职业. / (1,每年有800名18至24岁的大学生死于与酒精有关的意外伤害. 物质 mis使用 is also associated with a decrease in educational outcomes, 包括 academic problems, 比如较低的分数, and reduced graduation rates. 在学生中, substance mis使用 can also be associated with the increased risk of injury, 暴力, 以及法律问题.

酒精和大麻仍然是全国大学生的首选物质. Of full-time college 学生, 5.根据美国国家药物滥用研究所的数据,9%的人报告每天或几乎每天吸食大麻. According to the National Institute on 酒精 Ab使用 and 酒精ism, nearly 55% of college 学生 reported consuming alcohol in the past month and more than 1 out of 3 had engaged in binge drinking at least once during that timeframe.


物质 使用 can contribute to a number of problems, 包括 negative impacts on health and well-being. 这些影响包括短期和长期影响,以及直接和间接影响. Possible impacts may include, 但不限于, developing a substance 使用 disorder, 器官损伤, increased risk of accidents or injury, triggering or worsening psychiatric conditions, 以及同时使用这些物质或与其他药物联合使用导致的健康并发症.

There are different classifications and types of substances, and they can have different impacts on the body, 大脑, 和行为. 请参阅图表,以了解更多关于药物使用可能产生的短期和长期影响.

Misusing substances poses potential risks 包括:


Possible short-term impacts can include:

Possible long-term impacts can include:


Impacts on mood 和行为; impact on inhibitions, judgment; coordination and reaction times; impact on thinking; increased risk of accident; risk of 昏迷 和死亡 with larger quantities

Increased risk of cardiomyopathy, 心律失常, 中风, high 血压; steatosis (fatty liver); cirrhosis (scarring of the liver); 酒精ic hepatitis; increased risk of pancreatitis


Increased 心率 and 血压; euphoria; increased sociability and sex drive; 偏执, 搅动, and 幻觉; 暴力行为; sweating; na使用a, vomiting; 失眠; irritability; 头晕; 抑郁症; 恐慌症; reduced motor control; cloudy thinking


Benzodiazepines (Xanax, 等.)

睡意, 口齿不清, 注意力不集中, 混乱, 头晕, problems with movement and 内存, 降低血压, 放慢呼吸

Risk of 癫痫发作s (during withdrawal)


Narrowed blood vessels; enlarged pupils; increased body temperature, 心率, and 血压; headache; abdominal pain and na使用a; euphoria; increased energy, alertness; 失眠, restlessness; 焦虑; erratic and 暴力行为, 恐慌症, 偏执, psychosis; heart rhythm problems, heart attack; 中风, 癫痫发作, 昏迷

失去嗅觉, 流鼻血, nasal damage and trouble swallowing (snorting); 感染 和死亡 of bowel tissue from decreased blood flow; poor nutrition and 减肥; lung damage (smoking); risk of blood born infectious diseases (IV 使用)


Euphoria; 口齿不清; increased 心率 and 血压; 头晕; na使用a; vomiting



Euphoria; 口齿不清; increased 心率 and 血压; 头晕; na使用a; vomiting


Euphoria; dry mouth; itching; na使用a; vomiting; analgesia; 放慢呼吸 and 心率

Collapsed veins; abscesses (swollen tissue with pus); 感染 of the lining and valves in the heart; constipation and stomach cramps; liver or kidney disease; pneumonia;  risk of blood born infectious diseases (IV 使用)


注意力问题, 学习, and 内存; dreamlike 状态s, 幻觉; sedation; 混乱; loss of 内存; raised 血压; unconsciousness; dangerously 放慢呼吸

Ulcers and pain in the bladder; kidney problems; stomach pain; 抑郁症; poor 内存


Rapid emotional swings; distortion of a person’s ability to recognize reality, 理性思考, or communicate with others; raised 血压, 心率, body temperature; 头晕; loss of appetite; tremors; enlarged pupils

Frightening flashbacks (called Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder [HPPD]); ongoing visual disturbances, 思维紊乱, 偏执, 还有情绪波动

Marijuana (包括 edibles, concentrates, wax, 等.)

Enhanced sensory perception and euphoria followed by drowsiness/relaxation; slowed reaction time; problems with balance and coordination; increased 心率 and appetite; problems with 学习 and 内存; 焦虑

Mental health problems; chronic cough, frequent respiratory 感染s (smoking)


Increased 心率; vomiting; 搅动; 混乱; 幻觉, 焦虑, 偏执; increased 血压



Lowered inhibition; enhanced sensory perception; increase of 心率 and 血压; muscle tension; na使用a; chills/sweating; na使用a; risk of sharp increase of body temperature which can result in kidney failure and/or death

长期的混乱, 抑郁症, 注意力问题, 内存, and sleep; increased 焦虑, impulsiveness; less interest in sex


Increased wakefulness and physical activity; decreased appetite; increased breathing, 心率, 血压, temperature; irregular heartbeat

焦虑, 混乱, 失眠, 情绪问题, 暴力行为, 偏执, 幻觉, 错觉, 减肥, severe dental problems (“meth mouth”), intense itching leading to skin sores from scratching

Opiates (prescription pain killers like Fentanyl, Oxycodone, 等.)


Increased risk of overdose or addiction if mis使用d


错觉, 幻觉, 偏执, 问题的思考, a sense of distance from one’s environment, 焦虑. Low doses: slight increase in breathing rate; increased 血压 and 心率; shallow breathing; face redness and sweating; numbness of the hands or feet; problems with movement. High doses: na使用a; vomiting; flicking up and down of the eyes; drooling; loss of balance; 头晕; 暴力; 癫痫发作s, 昏迷, 和死亡

Memory loss, problems with speech and thinking, loss of appetite, 焦虑


Hallucinations; altered perception of time; inability to tell fantasy from reality; panic; muscle relaxation or weakness; problems with movement; enlarged pupils; na使用a and vomiting; drowsiness

Risk of flashbacks and 内存 problems


痤疮, fluid retention (especially in the hands and feet), 油性皮肤, 泛黄皮肤变黄, 感染

Kidney damage or failure; liver damage; high 血压, 大的心, or changes in cholesterol leading to increased risk of 中风 or heart attack, even in young people; aggression; extreme mood swings; anger ("roid rage"); extreme irritability; 错觉; impaired judgment


Blood pressure, breathing, and 心率

Increased risk of cancer (with tobacco 使用) especially lung cancer when smoked and oral cancers when chewed; chronic bronchitis; emphysema; heart disease; leukemia; cataracts; pneumonia

本图表中的信息改编自国家卫生研究所:国家药物滥用研究所( and The National Institute of 酒精 Ab使用 and 酒精ism (

审查与特定物质的长期和短期影响有关的综合信息清单, 请访问国家卫生研究所:国家药物滥用研究所:
For more information on the effects of substance 使用, please visit the Drug Enforcement Agency website at /情况说明.

 For more information about Fentanyl and its effects, please visit the Drug Enforcement Agency website:药学Information/芬太尼

In addition to complying with local, 状态 and federal statutes and regulations, the University has a desire to identify and control, 尽可能地, 影响学术界成员健康和安全的环境因素. 这些因素包括努力预防和尽量减少与酒精和其他物质使用有关的可能问题.


大学为员工和学生提供资源和项目,重点关注酒精和其他物质使用的风险. 大学还提供了当发生酒精或毒品政策或违法行为时可能会遵循的制裁方案. 大学还分发资料,告知雇员在工作场所滥用药物的危险, and provides information on available services, 包括咨询, 康复, and employee assistance programs.

The applicable legal sanctions under federal, 状态, 和/或当地法律包括, 但不限于, 罚款, suspension of driver’s license, 监禁, 社区服务, 咨询/治疗, and/or completion of a mandatory education program.

酒精 and other substance programs on the University of Pittsburgh campus are delivered through three levels of prevention programming: primary, 二次, 三级预防.

  • 一级预防 是针对全校学生的,不管他们是否决定使用酒精或其他物质. 这些大学课程包括负责任的决策和生活方式选择的材料. Efforts are directed toward creating a supportive campus environment and establishing social norms that encourage employees and 学生 to not 使用 illicit substances, and to 使用 alcohol in a legal and responsible manner. Additionally, these programs are aimed at preventing the mis使用 of substances.
  • 二级预防 is designed to identify and assist employees and 学生 who exhibit possible problematic substance 使用 and who are suitable for brief intervention strategies.
  • 三级预防 是否专注于帮助那些可能有药物使用问题的员工和学生,并包括帮助这些人进行治疗, 复发预防, 复苏, 保持恢复.



University of Pittsburgh at 凤凰彩票平台APP下载

     Office of Human 资源                               814-362-0251
     Office of the 教育 and Training Hub       814-827-4509

信息 and Assistance for 酒精 or Drug Ab使用

克服任何问题的一个重要步骤是知道向哪里寻求帮助.  信息, 咨询, 酒精或毒品问题的治疗可通过社区资源获得,费用可由保健福利支付. Here are some of the resources include:

家庭服务 & Children’s Aid Society of Venango County119 East Mechanic Street, Suite A

克劳福德县毒品管理局 & 酒精 Executive Commission, Inc.


联邦法律禁止持有、使用或分发非法毒品. Strict penalties are enforced for drug convictions, 包括 mandatory prison terms for many offenses. 以下信息, 虽然不完整, is an overview of federal penalties for first convictions. All penalties are doubled for any subsequent drug conviction. For more information on 联邦药品法, please visit the Drug Enforcement Agency website using the following links:

DEA Controlled 物质s Act:药物Information/ csa


Denial of Federal Aid (20 USC 1091)

Under the Higher 教育 Act of 1998, 根据联邦或州法律,因销售或持有毒品而被定罪的学生可能会暂停其联邦财政援助资格. This includes all federal grants, loans, federal work study programs, and more. 被判持有毒品的学生将在第一次犯罪被定罪之日起一年内失去资格, two years for the second offense, and indefinitely for the third offense. 被判贩卖毒品的学生将在第一次被定罪之日起两年内失去资格, and indefinitely for the second offense. 那些失去资格的人可以通过成功完成批准的戒毒计划来重新获得资格.

Forfeiture of Personal Property and Real E状态 (21 USC 853)

Any person convicted of a federal drug offense punishable by more than one year in prison shall forfeit to the United States any personal or real property related to the violation, 包括房子, 汽车, and other personal belongings. 当一个人因可能导致没收的指控而被捕时,会发出扣押令并扣押财产.

Federal Drug Trafficking Penalties (21 USC 841)

根据交易中涉及的管制物质的数量,对联邦贩毒定罪的处罚有所不同. 以下是联邦对初犯的处罚范围和严厉程度的样本. Penalties for subsequent convictions are twice as severe.

  • 因使用非法分销的管制物质而造成死亡或严重人身伤害的, 被联邦政府指控分销大麻的人将面临强制性终身监禁和最高800万美元的罚款.
  • Persons convicted on federal charges of drug trafficking within 1,000 feet of a University (21 USC 845a) face penalties of prison terms 和罚款 which are twice as high as the regular penalties for the offense, with a mandatory prison sentence of at least 1 year.

For more information regarding drug trafficking penalties, please visit the Drug Enforcement Agency website at药物Information

Federal Drug Possession Penalties (21 USC 844)

Persons convicted on Federal charges of possessing any controlled substance face penalties of up to 1 year in prison and a mandatory fine of no less than $1,000 up to a maximum of $100,000. 第二次定罪,可处不少于15天但不超过2年的监禁和最低2元的罚款,500. 其后被定罪,可处不少于90天但不超过3年的监禁和最低5元的罚款,000. Possession of drug paraphernalia is punishable by a minimum fine of $750.

Special sentencing provisions for 占有 of crack cocaine impose a mandatory prison term of not less than 5 years but not more than 20 years and a fine up to $250,000, 或者两者兼而有之:

  1. It is a first conviction and the amount of crack possessed exceeds 5 grams;
  2. It is a second conviction and the amount of crack possessed exceeds 3 grams;
  3. It is a third or subsequent crack conviction and the amount exceeds 1 gram.

Civil penalties of up to $10,000也可对拥有少量受管制物质征收, whether or not criminal prosecution is pursued.

University 酒精 Policy (CS24)

员工, 学生, 大学的代理人必须完全遵守宾夕法尼亚联邦的所有法律, 包括有关在大学物业内持有及饮用酒类的规定.

The following are specific provisions:

  • 任何人不得向21岁以下的人或明显喝醉的人提供酒精.
  • 任何人不得允许21岁以下的人或明显醉酒的人拥有或饮用酒精.
  • 21岁以下的人不得占用有执照提供酒精饮料的场所, 除非受到监督.
  • No one under the age of 18 may dispense alcoholic beverages.
  • 在任何大学活动中, the host is the most senior official present from the school, 部门, or other segment of the University sponsoring the function. The host is responsible for ensuring that Pennsylvania law relating to alcoholic beverages is strictly observed and is responsible for compliance with these guidelines.

Commonly Cited Pennsylvania 酒精 and Drug Penalties





Underage drinking or 占有 of alcohol



Fake IDs 使用d to obtain alcohol



Marijuana 占有 30 grams or less



Marijuana 占有 over 30 grams



Manufacturing or selling marijuana controlled substances


$5,000 to $250,000 depending on the substance

Possession of drug paraphernalia



Public drunkenness and similar misconduct




Selling or furnishing liquor or malt or brewed beverages to minors







For information regarding Driving Under the Influence, please see the Department of Motor Vehicles website at


A PDF of this notification is also available online at皮特.edu/drugfree.